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Who We Are and What We Do
Since 1967, the Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council (CBHC) has served as the membership association for Colorado’s nonprofit safety net community providers of mental health and substance use disorder treatment services. CBHC members provide or contract for direct services in a wide variety of settings in hundreds of service delivery sites across the state. CBHC acts as an advocacy organization at both the state and federal level to maximize the ability of nonprofit safety net providers of behavioral health treatment to serve everyone in their communities, especially the most vulnerable.
CBHC Member Organizations Include
- Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs)
- Specialty Clinic
Become a CBHC Member
Join the Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council (CBHC) to advocate for mental health and substance use treatment services. Members gain access to resources, professional development, networking events, and policy advocacy. Whether you're an individual provider, organization, or business, CBHC membership empowers you to advance behavioral health in Colorado.