Study: Colorado leads nation in teen depression
Colorado's teens top the nation in depression, and its young people drink, smoke and use dangerous drugs more often than their counterparts …
Colorado's teens top the nation in depression, and its young people drink, smoke and use dangerous drugs more often than their counterparts …
Several CBHC staff and member representatives were fortunate to attend a screening of the film Canvas at the Carriage House of the …
The Behavioral Health Task Force Report is available for viewing or downloading at https://cdhs.colorado.gov/behavioral-health-reform.
Looking Forward is written by a team of eight analysts from the Bell Policy Center, Colorado Children’s Campaign and Colorado Fiscal Policy …
Dear National Council Member: We’d like to draw your attention to an article in today’s USA Today “Report links higher rates …
This week, the House and Senate approved legislation to delay the implementation of the new requirement that tamper-resistant prescription pads be used …
Final Bill Includes Six-Month Moratorium on New CMS Rules on Both Rehab Services Option and School-Based Services; Moves to Senate Later This …
Szabo's personal story is both powerful and educational. His candid conversation frames mental health in real life language and examples and leaves …
Last night, the National Council received advance notice that CMS will issue proposed regulations regarding the Medicaid Rehabilitation Option on Monday, August …
Update—The Mental Health Parity Legislation in Colorado, SB07-036, has passed out of both chambers! CBHC appreciates all of you who called, emailed …