Each year, CBHC honors the efforts of our community mental health centers' achievements in the realms of clinical and non-clinical innovation. This year, due to COVID-19, we chose to do a virtual awards ceremony to celebrate our winners.
The Golden Lightbulb Award (clinical) went to Southeast Health Group for their Pain Management Program while the Golden Abacus Award (non-clinical) went to Community Reach Center for their project Enabling Middle Management to Thrive Through Utilization of Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Tools.
View the AWARDS CEREMONY HERE and learn more about our winners and all of our nominees below:
Southeast Health Group
Community Reach Center

View All of Our Nominees Below:
- Aurora Mental Health Center: Trauma Resilience Youth Program
- Community Reach Center: Consumer Advisory Panel
- Health Solutions: Experiential Intensive Outpatient Program
- Health Solutions: Medication Assisted Recovery Center (MARC)
- Jefferson Center for Mental Health: Housing Program
- Mind Springs Health: Peace in the Pandemic
- The Center for Mental Health: Crisis Walk-in Center
- Aurora Mental Health Center: Using Technology and Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Health Solutions: COVID-19 Outreach Dashboard
- Jefferson Center for Mental Health: eForms
- Mental Health Center of Denver: STAR - Support Team Assistance Response
- North Range Behavioral Health: Supervisor Dashboard
- The Center for Mental Health: Friend Raiser 2020
- The Center for Mental Health: COVID-19 Outreach