CBHC at the Colorado Press Annual Convention

We have another “win” in our efforts to outreach to media representatives.

Thanks to Jennifer Forker and Lindy Schultz in particular at Community Reach Center, Jen and Janine D’Anniballe (from our very own Mental Health Partners in Boulder) will be doing an educational session at the Colorado Press Association’s annual conference. The session will offer a combination of guidance on three topics:  how best to report with sensitivity on events related to behavioral health, handling challenging behavior and situations arising during interactions with a person in a mental health crisis or exhibiting symptoms of a mental illness, and recognizing the impact of vicarious trauma on journalists handling traumatic events.

Registration is only open to members of the press association, but we’ll get a report from Jen and Janine after the convention is over.

They will, however, have a handout from CBHC that lists all of the Community Mental Health Centers and provides contact information for the PIO at each Center as well as the statewide crisis line at the convention.

For more details about the Colorado Press Association's annual convention visit here.